© 2015 odsashe.blogspot.co.nz
Our class blog is a window into our classroom where you can see examples of our ongoing learning, creating and sharing. Throughout the term I try to ensure that every student has some work published with as many different presentation styles as possible. Each post won't include every child's learning. Our class blog is preparation for their own blogging further along in their schooling. The posts are a snapshot of their learning and are a way for you to connect with the children and provide opportunities for you to have conversations about what we are doing in class. I welcome your comments and feedback on the posts which are shared with the children routinely as part of our reading.
© 2015 odsashe.blogspot.co.nz
The children have been given media permission for the blog only
Please do not embed anything on any other digital platform but link them to our blog
Thank you for respecting the children and their families right to privacy
Janet Ashe
Our class blog is a window into our classroom where you can see examples of our ongoing learning, creating and sharing. Throughout the term I try to ensure that every student has some work published with as many different presentation styles as possible. Each post won't include every child's learning. Our class blog is preparation for their own blogging further along in their schooling. The posts are a snapshot of their learning and are a way for you to connect with the children and provide opportunities for you to have conversations about what we are doing in class. I welcome your comments and feedback on the posts which are shared with the children routinely as part of our reading.
© 2015 odsashe.blogspot.co.nz
The children have been given media permission for the blog only
Please do not embed anything on any other digital platform but link them to our blog
Thank you for respecting the children and their families right to privacy
Janet Ashe